Sunday, March 25, 2012

6FIT Eve

Twas the Night before 6FIT (a poem for 6FITTERs!)
Twas the night before 6FIT, when all through the studio DanceFIT,
Not a dancer was more excited, than those in 6FIT.
The healthy food was picked and all placed in the kitchen with care,
In the hopes of a healthy lifestyle change in 6 weeks fair.

The dancers were nestled, all snuggled in their beds,
While visions of natural energy danced in their heads.
And Gina in her webcam and I in my workout clothes, do sit,
Had just settled in for a virtual class of CardioFIT.

Now BalletFIT, now Legs Bums & Tums, now Arms & Abs!
On Mountain Climbers, On High Knees, on on Plank Jacks!
To healthy living, to weight loss!
Now dash to health, dash to health 6 days a week!

Gina sprang to her studio, both virtual and Brookline,
And away all the dancers all flew like feathers fine.
But I heard Gina exclaim, over classes no need to fight,
Happy 6FIT to all, and to all a good workout night!

Happy 6FIT Eve every one!!! :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Okay, I'm just going to continue in my 'too honest' vein of my past blog posts.

I both miss and feel some relief that the last two weeks have been 6FIT free. I feel relief in that the last two weeks have seen some pretty bad eating habits, I'm so glad I do not have to log what I ate for all to see. I have been working out 2 to 3 times a week, not the 6 days a week of 6FIT, but better than nothing!

I am missing talking on a daily basis with our team, emails aren't the same (but much appreciated nonetheless)!

The next 6FIT begins on 3/26 and I can't wait. This go around, it would be fabulous to have a team of Virginia remote/virtual participants!

If you never work out (like me before the last 6FIT), workout when you can, or if you are a workout fiend, this program is for you. The beauty of it is that everyone can do it. If you already have good habits, you can encourage those around you and challenge yourself in news ways. If you need lots of help (like me), it gives you the accountability so you can succeed.

It is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change. It helps you create good habits.

Anyway, I hope many of you will join me on this journey, it is 6 weeks, 3/26/12 to 5/7/12. If you are in Virginia, please contact me and let me know so we can get our Virginia team up and running! I just need 3 more people!

Happy weekend!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


 A year in pictures! I have never paid much attention to March before, now I have a little man Rhee who is about to turn ~1~!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it has almost been a year already. Here is (almost) a year in pictures. Above is baby boy just hours old, the first time I got to hold him. Such a good boy!!!
 Seriously cute! Not sure how he got in this position, what a little bundle of sleeping joy!
(0-1 months)
 Still sleeping a lot so adorable!!!
(1-2 months)
 Getting a lot more alert! Probably working on one of his many opinions.
(2-3 months)
 Here is where he starts to look like the little boy I know and recognize now. I'm realizing just how fast those months have gone! I wish I could rewind!
(3-4 months)
 Trying some food, rice cereal I do believe. He'll eat almost anything now!
(4-5 months)
 Loving his exersaucer!
(5-6 months)
 He is dreaming of the day where he can catch this cat! Not sure what Jack thinks about it. :)
(6-7 months)
 I was sick my first Halloween so I had to stay in, but 2012, I'm gonna bring it!
(7-8 months)
 Helping mommy with laundry
(8-9 months)
 Oh how I love to play!!!!!
(9-10 months)
I am now into everything, I especially love remotes! I can walk assisted and really want to do it myself. Soon!!!
(10-11 months)

Happy birthday month little man! Love you!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Winner, winner, chicken dinner

With 6FIT officially wrapping up for the winter session. I wanted to share my WINNING! (Sorry, not the in evil manner of Courtney of The Bachelor) moment from all the hard work!

Gina had us take our measurements before and after 6FIT. The results are in: I lost about 5 pounds (I say about because my weight does tend to fluctuate but it is fluctuating on the lower end of that 5 pounds off now).

My chest (thank goodness, don't need to lose anything there) stayed about the same and so did my arms (also thank goodness because my arms are super puny. would have liked to add some bulk here, maybe next 6FIT).

In my waist I lost 1.25 inches (whoa!) and in my hips (read: butt) I also lost 1.25 inches. No wonder those jeans are fitting better! My right and left thighs lost .5 inches and .75 inches respectively.

Moral of the story is, I lost inches in all the right places and I'm so happy about this! I'm really hoping this spurs many of you on to join me in the next 6FIT. It is a program that is designed to meet you where you are at, no experience or fitness required!

Thanks so much DanceFIT studio! I look forward to my virtual classes this month and am eagerly awaiting the next 6FIT starting 3/26/12, please sign up and join me!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


If 6FIT was a marathon, we would be in the last couple of miles.

That being said, it is more important than ever to finish strong. If you don't cross the finish line in the marathon then every thing you did leading up to that was for naught. The same thing is true if you don't finish strong in 6FIT.

I have heard so many people saying that their clothes are fitting better, they have lost weight and they have better habits. We have 6 more days (including today), to solidify our results and feel so much better about who we are.

I asked my husband if he thought I looked any different as opposed to when I began. He said I definitely looked more toned but the bigger thing he noticed as a change was how I felt about myself. He has said that he can tell I feel so much better about myself.

It's true, I feel healthier, feel better about myself and just more content. 6FIT has been a wonderful experience that I will definitely do again.

So here's to finish our marathon strong, dig deep and let's kick our own tails! Thanks for following me in this journey and I look forward to sharing my final results soon!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Say It Ain't So!

I cannot believe there is just a little over a week left of 6FIT! There is a large part of me that wishes it could just continue because the accountability and cheerleading keeps me motiviated to stay on track.

Let me paint you a picture. Two months ago, I was working full time and never worked out, sometimes forgot to eat (altogether, until my hubs would ask if I had eaten that day) and on other days, I ate candy, soda, chips and veggies and fruits were an afterthought. I never ate breakfast, maybe a coffee. Everything in my house was processed (food) and I could not motivate myself to get on the treadmill at all, even after I quit my job.

Through 6FIT, my habits are SO MUCH BETTER! I eat balanced meals three times a day with a snack (healthy!). Most of my food intake daily is fresh veggies and fruits and I drink a ton of water. I have not had soda since starting 6FIT (if I only accomplished this during this time, I would be happy), and I don't really miss it! I work out 6 days a week, sometimes hard, sometimes a little easier, but a work out nonetheless!

Let me be the first to say that none of this would have happened without 6FIT. I would say if you even have a small inkling of wanting to do this program, DO IT! It will change your life and make you so much healthier.

Although this 6FIT is ending next Sunday, the next 6FIT begins on 3/26/12. And you better believe I will be back on board and doing this whole crazy thing again! If you are reading this, you can do it. Although the DanceFIT studio is based out of Boston, MA; I have done all of this (including the Skype virtual classes) from my home in Virginia.

So please join me in March and get in on the best program! I look forward to seeing you in the program (and maybe on my team!) in the near future. I will attach the studio's link below, just go to the 6FIT link in the top bar of the webpage and make sure (if you are not located in Boston) to chose the remote (virtual) 6FIT option.

Stay tuned next week to see what my actual physical progress was with this program! Happy Thirsty Thursday 6FITTERS!

Monday, February 13, 2012


Have you ever had one of those days where you have so much to do that you don't know where to start? I guess this ties back to one of my previous posts about being a perfectionist.

I have all of these rules in my head about things. Take cleaning the house for example: I always dust before I vacuum so if I need to vacuum I feel like things are out of place if I don't also dust. Or something that hits more closely to 6FIT, if I have a goal in mind, such as working out in the morning and then I don't do it, my whole day becomes derailed. I cannot accomplish anything else on my list of tasks because I have not worked out yet.

Clearly this is a waste of time. I guess it goes without saying that I am a very task driven individual who likes lists. This is all well and good until it paralyzes me from moving forward.

Today I really needed to clean my house, it is a disaster! However because I felt I had not gotten up early enough to make it a 'productive day', I continued to procrastinate and paralyzed my to do list. I thought of many reasons to put it off until tomorrow because then I could accomplish the task 'correctly'. Sometimes I am able to just push through these feelings but today I really struggled.

And then something miraculous happened (okay, maybe not a miracle), the UPS man showed up at my door. A delivery! Has anyone ever watched Confessions of a Shopaholic? There is a point in the movie where her love interest asks her why shes shops to excess. She responds that she does it because when she shops, the world gets better. As a reformed shopaholic (thanks to the hubs), I totally get this so I'm not surprised that a delivery turned my day around.

I had ordered a Scentsy product and all at once I could imagine my house clean and smelling good! I didn't want to plug that yummy deliciousness in until my house was worthy of it!

So I guess I have two points here. First, find something that motivates you to work out or be more healthy! Secondly, don't let your idea of what has to be perfect or in order to accomplish your fit, healthy or any other goals! You have to start somewhere! Start moving, start buying more veggies and fruits, ask a friend to hold you accountable. Whatever it takes, but start nonetheless!

It should go without saying, this should be your take on anything you might not think you can do. Anything that paralyzes you to inaction. Start, ideas will come, actions will follow and before you know it, you will have hit a goal.

You won't be perfect but who cares! Perfectionism is predictable and boring. Don't let yourself get stuck in a rut because of what you think your life SHOULD be. So happy trails and I look forward to seeing some of you in virtual DanceFIT classes or maybe even the next 6FIT! Trust me, if this one can make this changes, anyone can! Have fun on your new unpredictable trail to new things!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


When I first read about the 6FIT program, I was interested in it on so many levels. Three of the six weeks have been completed and I can say that I feel better than I have in a very long time!

There have been some big changes in my life and our household. I went from exercising, well, never, to exercising 6 days a week. Apparently this agrees with my body and it has been so much easier than I thought because of all of the support that you have in the program. We went from eating way too many processed foods to eating whole grains, fruits and veggies! It's been an amazing lifestyle change, one that will follow me after 6FIT is completed (and I'll definitely be doing another 6FIT, I love it!)

From the beginning, it has been an overall goal to become healthier which would hopefully lead to some changes on the scale and some toning up. I haven't put a ton of focus on these though so imagine my surprise today when I caught a glimpse of my thighs in the mirror today:

My cellulite was virtually gone! I did a little happy dance. :)

I have 2.5 weeks left so here's to a much healthier me by the end with NO cellulite. :) The next 6FIT starts at the end of March, what are you waiting for? Get on board!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Push through

Just a clarification, I am still very excited about 6FIT! I may even have another friend in VA doing it next time, whoo-hoo!

However, I feel a little burnt out. I'm very glad that we change focus every week because it helps hold both my attention and my energy. This week has been a struggle though, I haven't wanted to eat right. It doesn't help that we had friends over on Wednesday night and had a wonderful potluck. And last night, that is another story. My hubs wanted to go out for wings and I gave in because I had just found out next week was vegetarian week. Yikes. At least I ate a salad but I will admit to some wings.

At least today is a new day, a new commitment to eating healthy. There is no doubt that I feel better when I eat healthier food (my body did not like those wings after I ate them, they sat there like rocks in my stomach) but I need a little jump start to keep me accountable! I just keep pushing through and I know if I do, the motivation will come back!

Thank goodness we aren't going anywhere for SuperBowl Sunday! :) No temptation for me. I have cleared out all the junk food from our house (I know it's three weeks in but my hubs is very frugal and would not let me throw out his cookies and chips). So what I have to remember in all of this is, I still eat so much more out of the refrigerator now (read: fresh!). This is a very large accomplishment for me so I will take victory in that!

With that, I hear my little man stirring from his nap. See you in the trenches!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


I've made enough of them throughout the course of my 32 years (okay, 33 in a few months). For example, tight rolling my jeans, bleaching my hair, I could go on but care not to embarrass myself more. :)

I made two mistakes this hunt, gather, grow week. The first and probably the most egregious was my immunity item. I chose coffee as my item. Stupid. Oh how I have missed cheese!!!! I am probably going to have cheese for breakfast tomorrow to compensate for my cheese withdrawal. Dually noted for the next 6FIT.

My second mistake occurred on Friday night. Since starting 6FIT, I have been doing really well not eating after 8pm, it hasn't been that difficult either. On Friday night, I not only wanted to eat after 8pm but I wanted to house some caramel corn popcorn someone had left at my house, it was a double evil. So I had a choice to make, break two rules and indulge, OR I could eat after 8pm but something on the hunt, gather, grow menu.

I chose to break only one rule, I ate after 8pm but I ate granola. My mouth was wanting sugar and this was something sweet. It satisfied my craving and got me past the caramel. Whew. :)

Anyway, on to cardio week! I'm ready......I think! :) See you in the trenches!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Earlier today, I fought a grapefruit and won. I mean seriously, have you ever tried to eat one of these things without a grapefruit spoon??? I'll be getting one of those later this week.

In this quest to eat and be healthier, I have taken my family with me. I realized last night that I rarely get anything out of the pantry to eat unless it is rice or (soon to be!) quinoa. My hubs is still not a believer in this healthy food thing (100%, all the time), however, I still have 4 more weeks to convert him. :)

One of the most fun things about this has been introducing my 10 month old Rhee to some new foods. He and I have been sharing a bowl of oatmeal every morning this week and he loves it! :) I know it's mean, but when I had my grapefruit for breakfast this morning, I had the thought that I would let my son try it. LOL! His face was so funny. I just let him kind of lick a piece of it and it was the mommy, I think this tastes really funny face....

Since he woke up earlier than I expected from his nap today and I had just been ready to sit down and blog, I had to think of something to keep him busy while I type. Feeding him seems to be the easiest way to distract him so I gave him some baby crackers to eat. But he was looking at the clementine I was eating so I put a piece in the little mesh teether thingy I have and he has been happily sucking on it for the length of this piece! He has found a new favorite!

Changing our whole way of eating has been a challenge but it has been an eye-opening experience. Healthy can and does taste good. Although the hubs made mac n cheese yesterday, he has been eating all of the other healthy stuff I have been making lately and for the most part, he has been liking it. So here's to a healthier family, glad to be making healthier habits and menus during 6FIT and beyond!

P.S. I have made roasted veggies several time this week per Kristin's suggestion and neither the baby nor the hubs can get enough! New staple in our house!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


As a new stay at home mom, I am really loving wearing jeans any time I want. I like it when my jeans are comfortable. Read: stretchy.

But I have this one pair of jeans I really enjoy. They have NO stretch. Unfortunately. Now, I can wear them, they 'fit' me. But they give me that lovely little thing called a muffin top. My little belly my son lovingly left with me after pregnancy and the love handles made by munching on Doritos and Oreos. (Sorry if I just gave you a craving.)

Not so pretty. Right now I only wear these jeans if I can find a flattering top that will not show the tummy or handles.

That's where 6FIT comes in. I really want to be more healthy with what I eat AND I desperately want to be able to wear these jeans without the extra flab (or at least with just less of it). So I will be trying these jeans on at the end of 6FIT in the hopes that all of my hard work will comfortably let me wear these jeans. I will let you know!

So I am curious, why are you doing 6FIT? (Or a more broad question, what inspires you to work out and be more healthy?)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Are so yummy! I know I might be the only one here that might say that, but I love them. I often worry that I love them as to me, they taste like dirt (what I assume dirt would taste like) and it is really hard for me to eat just one. I usually end up eating a handful of them. The fact that they taste like dirt and I love them makes me worry about the next logical step.

I digress.

Since I was munching on them today, I was wondering about their health benefits and if they had any. Do they ever! Vitamin C, potassium, folic acid and antioxidents and even calcium! I am attaching a link for you all to read up on them if you want to nerd out on them like me.

I see this as periphery bonus to 6FIT, I've actually been finding out about food and what is good (and not good) and the nutritional value to what I put in my mouth.

I also love beets and lima beans but I will save those for another time.

So tell me, what is the 'odd' fruit or veggie you love??? I would also challenge you to find out why it is good for you! Maybe we will all find a new favorite.

Long live radishes!


I think the real problem I have had (and have now) with being healthy and working out in the past is perfectionism. Unless I do it perfectly, I don't want to do it.

This is a gross neglect on my part and I miss out on things because of this. To expect that I will do everything perfectly all the time is unrealistic. I love that Gina and DanceFIT studio recognize this and give you two 'immunity' days during 6FIT. However, I need to stretch this into my day to day on 6FIT. Today I have had a slow start and have been beating myself up about it.

Just because I have had a slow start does not mean the whole day is blown, water intake is back on track as well as my veggie/fruit intake. I will salvage this day and not worry about the fact that I am not perfect! :)

It's going to be a great day! See you in virtual Arms & Abs tonight!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Can I just be real here for a minute?

A confession of sorts? I realize my audience might largely be those who always lead a healthy lifestyle and workout all the time but I just laying it all out there so there are no false illusions of grandeur about me. (As read the name of my blog.)

At this very minute, I may or may not be making some greasy tacos for dinner.

I may or may not have been thinking this week about all I want to eat before giving it up for 6FIT starting next week.

I may or may not have been slacking on the working out this week knowing I'm going to get my butt kicked next week. :(

So, there it is, apparently, the truth will set you free. I am hoping that is the case for me here! So tomorrow is a new day! My goal and success for tomorrow will lie in the following things:

1. I WILL drink only water tomorrow (okay and maybe a cup of coffee....)
2. I WILL pull out my jogging stroller tomorrow and go for a run with Rhee (okay, maybe a jog....)
3. I WILL eat some balanced and healthy meals tomorrow and take the time to do it.

AND lastly, I need y'alls help with this one:

4. I WILL cook a healthy meal for my family tomorrow night

Please send me your favorite healthy family friendly meal by noon (EST) tomorrow (1/13/12) and I will make it and let y'all know how it goes!

SO there it is, I am far from perfect but if I can work on making lifestyle changes, anyone can!

On the road to a healthier me, Leta :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Thanks to all of you, I have been chosen to be one of the remote spokesmodels for the 6FIT program at DanceFIT studio! I am honored to have been chosen, so excited to get started in this program and document my progress! I have attached a previous blog so y'all (yes, I live in VA) can get to know me a little bit! Thanks Gina Fay and DanceFIT studio for giving me this opportunity

Previous blog post:

I love TV.

I love food. Bad for you food. Chips, hamburgers, fries, candy. Oh candy, I have a sweet tooth.

I love the two of these together.

Due to some amazing genetics (thanks mom & dad), I can eat all of these and not work out and my weight really does not go up. However, I have never been a toned person unless I work out. Given that I can stay relatively thin without working out, for the most part I don't.

Then in March of 2011, a glorious thing happened, my little son Rhee was born. He is the best thing! My body thought so too and made plenty of room for him. I had some maternity leave and went back to work and thought, hey, working out would be nice but I have no time at all.

Now I have no excuse.

I quit my job last week to become a SAHM (which by the way, I never knew this was an actual term until last week, for those that might not know, it is a Stay at Home Mom), I really have no excuses anymore.

I had taken some classes from DanceFIT studio in the past and felt great and got some body tone-age. It was nice. So when thinking about working out again, the only way I could concieve getting through it was with DanceFIT. :) I was just going to sign up for some classes and then I saw this wonderful 6FIT program.

It is basically 6 weeks to a healthier you. For me, it will kick my lazy overindulging butt into shape with excessive amounts of fruits/veggies and water intake. It will also require me to work out 6 days a week. That hasn't happened since....never.

Anyway, this is my road to this documentation. Wish me luck and join me in 6FIT if you dare!

Oh, and I hear you saying, but Leta (in a whiney voice), I don't live anywhere near Virginia. Ha ha sucker, it doesn't matter, this dance studio is actually in Boston, MA and is all remote/virtual. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSES! Let's go people!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So today marks the first day I'm back to feeling somewhat normal. The past couple of days I have just wanted to Nyquil myself out and sleep non-stop.

Now that we no longer deal with our large daycare, I'm hoping that we stay healthy. This sick baby (sometimes pass to us as parents) thing every two weeks was just getting old!

My maiden re-voyage with DanceFIT studio was supposed to be Sunday but I was too sick to make the class. :( It was sad.

It did raise a question for me though? I was just being a wuss or was it good for me to have taken the night off???

So I'm asking the blogging/social media world? Do you work out when you are sick? How do each of you determine whether you work out or not when you are ill?

Okay, GO!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I love TV.

I love food. Bad for you food. Chips, hamburgers, fries, candy. Oh candy, I have a sweet tooth.

I love the two of these together.

Due to some amazing genetics (thanks mom & dad), I can eat all of these and not work out and my weight really does not go up. However, I have never been a toned person unless I work out. Given that I can stay relatively thin without working out, for the most part I don't.

Then in March of 2011, a glorious thing happened, my little son Rhee was born. He is the best thing! My body thought so too and made plenty of room for him. I had some maternity leave and went back to work and thought, hey, working out would be nice but I have no time at all.

Now I have no excuse.

I quit my job last week to become a SAHM (which by the way, I never knew this was an actual term until last week, for those that might not know, it is a Stay at Home Mom), I really have no excuses anymore.

I had taken some classes from DanceFIT studio in the past and felt great and got some body tone-age. It was nice. So when thinking about working out again, the only way I could concieve getting through it was with DanceFIT. :) I was just going to sign up for some classes and then I saw this wonderful 6FIT program.

It is basically 6 weeks to a healthier you. For me, it will kick my lazy overindulging butt into shape with excessive amounts of fruits/veggies and water intake. It will also require me to work out 6 days a week. That hasn't happened since....never.

Anyway, this is my road to this documentation. Wish me luck and join me in 6FIT if you dare!

Oh, and I hear you saying, but Leta (in a whiney voice), I don't live anywhere near Virginia. Ha ha sucker, it doesn't matter, this dance studio is actually in Boston, MA and is all remote/virtual. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSES! Let's go people!