Have you ever had one of those days where you have so much to do that you don't know where to start? I guess this ties back to one of my previous posts about being a perfectionist.
I have all of these rules in my head about things. Take cleaning the house for example: I always dust before I vacuum so if I need to vacuum I feel like things are out of place if I don't also dust. Or something that hits more closely to 6FIT, if I have a goal in mind, such as working out in the morning and then I don't do it, my whole day becomes derailed. I cannot accomplish anything else on my list of tasks because I have not worked out yet.
Clearly this is a waste of time. I guess it goes without saying that I am a very task driven individual who likes lists. This is all well and good until it paralyzes me from moving forward.
Today I really needed to clean my house, it is a disaster! However because I felt I had not gotten up early enough to make it a 'productive day', I continued to procrastinate and paralyzed my to do list. I thought of many reasons to put it off until tomorrow because then I could accomplish the task 'correctly'. Sometimes I am able to just push through these feelings but today I really struggled.
And then something miraculous happened (okay, maybe not a miracle), the UPS man showed up at my door. A delivery! Has anyone ever watched Confessions of a Shopaholic? There is a point in the movie where her love interest asks her why shes shops to excess. She responds that she does it because when she shops, the world gets better. As a reformed shopaholic (thanks to the hubs), I totally get this so I'm not surprised that a delivery turned my day around.
I had ordered a Scentsy product and all at once I could imagine my house clean and smelling good! I didn't want to plug that yummy deliciousness in until my house was worthy of it!
So I guess I have two points here. First, find something that motivates you to work out or be more healthy! Secondly, don't let your idea of what has to be perfect or in order to accomplish your fit, healthy or any other goals! You have to start somewhere! Start moving, start buying more veggies and fruits, ask a friend to hold you accountable. Whatever it takes, but start nonetheless!
It should go without saying, this should be your take on anything you might not think you can do. Anything that paralyzes you to inaction. Start, ideas will come, actions will follow and before you know it, you will have hit a goal.
You won't be perfect but who cares! Perfectionism is predictable and boring. Don't let yourself get stuck in a rut because of what you think your life SHOULD be. So happy trails and I look forward to seeing some of you in virtual DanceFIT classes or maybe even the next 6FIT! Trust me, if this one can make this changes, anyone can! Have fun on your new unpredictable trail to new things!
Thanks for the inspiration Leta. I needed that. :)