Monday, January 28, 2013

I Suck at Blogging and Being a Perfect Mother

Not necessarily in that order.

Question is: what do I write about in this over-blogged (yes, I like to make up words) world?

Yes, I'm a perfectionist but this is not the only thing that defines me, it affects my life but it is not who I am. I am things like a daughter, a wife, a mother, a Christian. These things define me more than anything else. Does perfectionism play into any of these? You betcha.

I had my second son, Nicholas on 12/12/12 (best birth date ever!) and Henry (Rhee) is now 22 months. This by far has been the most challenging to me and wanting things just so. My two little boys who don't give a rip about order or how I would like things done.

Schedules out the window, floors always dirty, poop and spit up a regular part of my day, toys everywhere, sleep: not present.

I have talked to a lot of mommies lately to find out what is normal, to gain some kind of perspective. And you know what I've found? We only post the good milestones on Facebook. The wonderful nights of sleep (p.s. I don't believe these really exist, hey, I'm not calling anyone liar here, maybe just some wishful thinking going on), the poops on the potty, my child is reading at 2, etc. Does anyone else feel like they are failing at motherhood when they look at these in jealousy? Most days I'm just trying to survive by giving my boys anything that will keep them from crying at the same time.

I'm not saying you have to be all negative Nancy from now on, I love hearing about all the good things that go on in my friend's lives, especially with their kids. And I love counting both of our blessings. I just want to take some time to blog occasionally to expose my real day to day life with my boys as a SAHM in a positive and hopefully humorous way.

Like during the time it has taken me to write this, I have had to walk away from it approximately 234 times to get something for the boys and Rhee has thrown pizza sauce from the calzones I made for lunch into every possible crevice of his highchair.

Hopefully you can find some encouragement (me too) in knowing that you are not the only one going through the daily struggles (and joys!) of being a SAHM or a working mom juggling professional and home life. I do not claim to be a writer or always grammatically correct and I overuse parenthesis and exclamation points (deal with it!), just a mom trying to survive and even thrive in this environment.

More to come later when I am not trying to type with one hand while also nursing my infant. What are your biggest challenges as a mama?


  1. I hold fast to this quote: "Never compare your beginning with someone elses middle." Meaning, we're all at different levels and on our own journey. You can't do the 'comparison' game because you'll never measure up to others who are at a different point of their journey. I had a tough time with this right out of school and opening an office. Everyone ALWAYS posts about the 'great' weeks, the huge milestones, seeing 'x' number of people, etc...but no one posts about the people that rejected you, the days where everyone cancelled, and that you just want to throw in the towel and go take a nap.

    Set your own goals. Celebrate BIG when you reach them. And if you don't...just keep moving towards it! :) You're doing a great job. Especially keeping your train of thought and typing with one hand!!! Keep it up momma!!

    1. So true Meggen! I always try to remember that "Comparison is the thief of joy", can't remember who said that now but it has definitely impacted me in a huge way! You inspire me with all you know how to do with running a business and chiropractic!
