Sunday, March 25, 2012

6FIT Eve

Twas the Night before 6FIT (a poem for 6FITTERs!)
Twas the night before 6FIT, when all through the studio DanceFIT,
Not a dancer was more excited, than those in 6FIT.
The healthy food was picked and all placed in the kitchen with care,
In the hopes of a healthy lifestyle change in 6 weeks fair.

The dancers were nestled, all snuggled in their beds,
While visions of natural energy danced in their heads.
And Gina in her webcam and I in my workout clothes, do sit,
Had just settled in for a virtual class of CardioFIT.

Now BalletFIT, now Legs Bums & Tums, now Arms & Abs!
On Mountain Climbers, On High Knees, on on Plank Jacks!
To healthy living, to weight loss!
Now dash to health, dash to health 6 days a week!

Gina sprang to her studio, both virtual and Brookline,
And away all the dancers all flew like feathers fine.
But I heard Gina exclaim, over classes no need to fight,
Happy 6FIT to all, and to all a good workout night!

Happy 6FIT Eve every one!!! :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Okay, I'm just going to continue in my 'too honest' vein of my past blog posts.

I both miss and feel some relief that the last two weeks have been 6FIT free. I feel relief in that the last two weeks have seen some pretty bad eating habits, I'm so glad I do not have to log what I ate for all to see. I have been working out 2 to 3 times a week, not the 6 days a week of 6FIT, but better than nothing!

I am missing talking on a daily basis with our team, emails aren't the same (but much appreciated nonetheless)!

The next 6FIT begins on 3/26 and I can't wait. This go around, it would be fabulous to have a team of Virginia remote/virtual participants!

If you never work out (like me before the last 6FIT), workout when you can, or if you are a workout fiend, this program is for you. The beauty of it is that everyone can do it. If you already have good habits, you can encourage those around you and challenge yourself in news ways. If you need lots of help (like me), it gives you the accountability so you can succeed.

It is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change. It helps you create good habits.

Anyway, I hope many of you will join me on this journey, it is 6 weeks, 3/26/12 to 5/7/12. If you are in Virginia, please contact me and let me know so we can get our Virginia team up and running! I just need 3 more people!

Happy weekend!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


 A year in pictures! I have never paid much attention to March before, now I have a little man Rhee who is about to turn ~1~!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it has almost been a year already. Here is (almost) a year in pictures. Above is baby boy just hours old, the first time I got to hold him. Such a good boy!!!
 Seriously cute! Not sure how he got in this position, what a little bundle of sleeping joy!
(0-1 months)
 Still sleeping a lot so adorable!!!
(1-2 months)
 Getting a lot more alert! Probably working on one of his many opinions.
(2-3 months)
 Here is where he starts to look like the little boy I know and recognize now. I'm realizing just how fast those months have gone! I wish I could rewind!
(3-4 months)
 Trying some food, rice cereal I do believe. He'll eat almost anything now!
(4-5 months)
 Loving his exersaucer!
(5-6 months)
 He is dreaming of the day where he can catch this cat! Not sure what Jack thinks about it. :)
(6-7 months)
 I was sick my first Halloween so I had to stay in, but 2012, I'm gonna bring it!
(7-8 months)
 Helping mommy with laundry
(8-9 months)
 Oh how I love to play!!!!!
(9-10 months)
I am now into everything, I especially love remotes! I can walk assisted and really want to do it myself. Soon!!!
(10-11 months)

Happy birthday month little man! Love you!