Thursday, February 16, 2012

Say It Ain't So!

I cannot believe there is just a little over a week left of 6FIT! There is a large part of me that wishes it could just continue because the accountability and cheerleading keeps me motiviated to stay on track.

Let me paint you a picture. Two months ago, I was working full time and never worked out, sometimes forgot to eat (altogether, until my hubs would ask if I had eaten that day) and on other days, I ate candy, soda, chips and veggies and fruits were an afterthought. I never ate breakfast, maybe a coffee. Everything in my house was processed (food) and I could not motivate myself to get on the treadmill at all, even after I quit my job.

Through 6FIT, my habits are SO MUCH BETTER! I eat balanced meals three times a day with a snack (healthy!). Most of my food intake daily is fresh veggies and fruits and I drink a ton of water. I have not had soda since starting 6FIT (if I only accomplished this during this time, I would be happy), and I don't really miss it! I work out 6 days a week, sometimes hard, sometimes a little easier, but a work out nonetheless!

Let me be the first to say that none of this would have happened without 6FIT. I would say if you even have a small inkling of wanting to do this program, DO IT! It will change your life and make you so much healthier.

Although this 6FIT is ending next Sunday, the next 6FIT begins on 3/26/12. And you better believe I will be back on board and doing this whole crazy thing again! If you are reading this, you can do it. Although the DanceFIT studio is based out of Boston, MA; I have done all of this (including the Skype virtual classes) from my home in Virginia.

So please join me in March and get in on the best program! I look forward to seeing you in the program (and maybe on my team!) in the near future. I will attach the studio's link below, just go to the 6FIT link in the top bar of the webpage and make sure (if you are not located in Boston) to chose the remote (virtual) 6FIT option.

Stay tuned next week to see what my actual physical progress was with this program! Happy Thirsty Thursday 6FITTERS!


  1. It's been so great seeing you tackle new challenges and adopt them as new healthy habits!! I'm excited to do 6FIT with you in March :) Gonna be great! Great job so far my're doing awesome!

  2. Thanks for being a great cheerleader Meggen! :) Can't wait to do 6FIT with you the next time around!

  3. Leta, I love it! You have done such an awesome job with 6Fit. Your comments and blog posts are always so motivating and inspiring. Way to Rock 6Fit and take control of your body and daily habits! Yay for signing up for the next one, and I can't believe it's already almost over either!

  4. Belated happy Thirsty Thursday, and happy slamming salmon (or fish of your choice) Satudray Leta. Once again great blog piece, and I agree with you whole heartedly 100%. :D Go team 3!!!!
